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Үнэ авахPedro Veloso, Catholic University of Portugal, Porto, Portugal, @ ABSTRACT. The purpose of this paper is to develop an exclusively stakeholder-based financial brand valuation approach. A semiotic model is used that recognizes three components in the brand: identity, object and response.. wisemix ball millWiseMix® BML Programmable Ball Mill Certifications by - - - CE Marked Products. ISO 9001 Certified. PL Insurance. (제조물 배상책임보험) Patented(특허 No. 10-0554098) Jog Shuttle Control System. 사용자 설명서 (Version ) written for BML-2 / -6 models "BML-2" WiseMix® Programmable Ball Mill . or ALLfor. Read More. Witeg Multifunction Vortex Mixer Wisemix Vm-10 Witeg Multifunction Vortex Mixer Wisemix Vm-10 Product Detail < Back. Enlarge. Witeg Multifunction Vortex Mixer Wisemix Vm-10 PART NO. 4AJ-6251827. Request delivery time. Price: € . 3300 Rpm - And Centrifuge-Attachment 230 V / 50-60 Hz. Related Products. People who Bought This Also
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